The 生物科学系' program of studies is flexible enough to enable you to pursue careers in molecular 和 cellular biology, 植物学, 微生物学, 生理学或动物学的研究生. 一些学生从事生物技术、教育、市场营销和销售等领域的工作. 该系的课程也为学生进入牙科等专业领域做准备, 医学, 药店, 医疗技术, 护理或物理治疗.


作为博彩平台网址大全生物科学专业的学生, 您将与在各种不同生物系统方面具有专业知识的教师一起工作. You will explore your field of study through undergraduate experiential learning 和 研究的机会. You will also enjoy small upper-division classes that allow direct interaction with your professors, 以及使用现代化的设施和尖端的生物仪器. 

与依靠研究生收集科学数据的大型机构不同, 博彩平台网址大全为本科生提供了无与伦比的研究机会.

The 生物科学系 also has a Master of Sciences Program that enables students to work closely with faculty members in re搜索 和 teaching.


我们的课程为您准备以健康为基础的专业领域,包括牙科, 药店, 医学, 生物技术, 护理或物理治疗.

学院顾问与博彩平台网址大全(博彩平台网址大全)的托马斯. Long School of 药店和Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry admissions committees to ease student transition from pre-professional to professional programs. 


2000年毕业的德尔·托尔主修生物科学. 他目前在美国亚瑟大学担任助理教授. 博彩平台网址大全旧金山校区杜戈尼牙科学院. 这份工作中他最喜欢的部分是和学生一起工作.

给对生物学感兴趣的学生, 德表示,博彩平台网址大全的学术环境为学术成长提供了巨大的机会. “这是一个获得真正本科生研究经验的好地方,”他说. “教师们有不同的研究专长,所以你会找到一个自己的项目."

本科 研究的机会

Pacific's undergraduate program in Biology provides students with the intellectual foundation 和 practical skills to conduct original re搜索 in the area of biological sciences.

  • 在博彩平台网址大全,超过70%的生物专业学生从事本科研究.
  • 在过去的十年里, 超过35名本科生共同撰写了重要的研究论文.
  • Biology undergraduates have the opportunity to become fully integrated members of cutting-edge re搜索 laboratories as well as experience field re搜索 biology.



生物科学系有17名在职教师和5名退休教师. 所有成员都进行实验室/或实地研究,本科生在其中发挥积极作用. 因为太平洋学院被认为是一个主要的本科生研究机构, the advancement of biological re搜索 projects largely depends upon experimental work performed by undergraduate re搜索 students. 不像大型研究机构主要使用Ph.D. 候选人或博士后研究生收集科学数据, 在太平洋, 本科生就扮演了这个角色.



Liora埃德尔斯坦切丽Musgrove 和 贾斯汀Bala-Hampton

这些学生进行了研究实验. Wrischnik's lab using the experimental technique known as RNA干扰 (RNAi) to efficiently “knock out” genes in fruit flies. 学生参与RNAi载体的构建, 它们被设计用来破坏果蝇DNA修复基因的功能. 除了学习分子生物学的基础知识, these three students learned how to microinject DNA into fly embryos to get their DNA inserted into the fly genome. 后一项研究得益于该部门先进的显微注射设备.


Melissa在Dr。. Wrischnik's laboratory building several types of DNA vectors that facilitate visualization of the expression of DNA repair genes in fruit flies during development. 她用了部门的新, high-end inverted fluorescence microscope to visualize where these genes are expressed in live 和 fixed organisms. She also performed real-time PCR analysis to help confirm when these genes are expressed during fruit fly development.

Khanh cloned several of the homologous recombinational repair proteins from the parasite 阴道毛滴虫, 一种有着非常古老血统的单细胞生物. 用局里的ABI DNA测序仪分析她的克隆体, 她揭示了这种修复途径进化的新信息, 同时也产生了数据来帮助理解单细胞生物的性别进化.


Coby在Dr. 来阐明黑寡妇蛛丝的分子特性. She routinely dissects the abdominal silk-producing gl和s from the spiders to isolate RNA molecules that encode silk proteins. 采用实时荧光定量PCR分析, Coby已经确定了几种不同蚕丝基因的表达谱. 除了, she has learned how to screen cDNA libraries to hunt for new spider silk genes found in egg case silk, 它们代表着蜘蛛体内最古老的丝线之一. 这些研究依赖于质谱法和分子生物学的使用.

罗素绮亨利常 和 香农麦克纳瑞

这些学生也在Dr. 从黑寡妇蜘蛛中分离出新的丝基因, 以及丝在细菌和酵母中的过度表达. 过去的两个夏天, they have worked full-time on the manipulation of spider silk genes using recombinant DNA methodology. Their studies have led to a better underst和ing regarding the molecular constituents of black widow silk, which has helped advance our knowledge with respect to the incredible tensile strength 和 elasticity found in silk threads. 长期目标包括能够为商业应用进行合成生产, 其中包括使用合成丝做绳子和绳索, 医用缝合线, 防弹背心和轻型飞机机翼材料.

生物科学 设施

Biology students 和 faculty make themselves at home in our two-story, 56,000-square-foot building. 下层有最先进的教学设施, 上层为师生配备了15个现代化的研究实验室, 以及专业设备室.



Our department is fully equipped with modern molecular 和 cellular biological re搜索 equipment used by faculty, 本科生和研究生. H和s-on training 和 experience with this instrumentation helps prepare students for graduate school 和 careers in science.

A graduate student uses the confocal microscope to monitor the sub-cellular localization of cysteine proteases that are tagged with different fluorescent markers.

This specialized microscope is especially useful for obtaining a series of optical sections of a sample, which then can be reassembled to form a three-dimensional representation of a specific cellular structure. 在她的癌症研究中. Lisa Wrischnik has used this microscope to study the cellular localization 和 trafficking patterns of several cysteine proteases (enzymes) that are expressed in the human parasite 阴道毛滴虫.


A fluorescent microscope is used to evaluate specimens by analyzing fluorescent light emitted from them. 荧光染料或标记物可以附着在样品上,以照亮感兴趣的某个区域. 本设备 is an important tool for cell biologists to study the localization 和 movement of proteins within the cell.

An undergraduate student studies the morphological features of proteins that form the cytoskeleton in mammalian cells.

本设备, 由观察员组成的, 自动杂交室和扫描仪, 将基因“打印”到玻片表面——最多可达50个,000个基因可以沉积在一张载玻片上. Dr. Craig Vierra 和 his students have used this robot to print the first spider DNA chips in the world. They are using these DNA chips to monitor changes in gene expression profiles in the silk-producing gl和s after forcibly removing silk fibers from spiders.


Beta Beta (Tri-Beta)是学生的生物荣誉社团, 尤其是大学生, dedicated to improving the underst和ing 和 appreciation of biology 和 extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific re搜索.

会员通常代表未来的医生, 老师, 药剂师, 生物医学研究人员, dentists (和 friends) dedicated to being a part of the scientific community 和 making the most of their college experience while they prepare for professional careers.


The Pac诺伊斯博彩平台网址大全排名 Program provides scholarships 和 other support for STEM majors 在太平洋 who become 老师 in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

你可能有资格获得价值高达13美元的罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,硕士/教师资格证书的最后一年.


如果你想有资格在中学阶段教生物学, 你应该完成生物科学的单科证书. 向你的导师或系主任咨询有关具体课程要求的信息.  关于其他证书要求,你应该咨询贝纳德学院的教员.




Our Masters degree program provides students with a broad background in the biological sciences that serves as preparation for entry into Ph.D. 学位课程, 生物技术产业就业, 以及高中和社区大学的教学职位.



