a .综合艺术教育 支持 环境

Pacific's broad-based professional art program is intended to provide you with options in the art field and provides strong foundational and interdisciplinary education so you can develop a professional-level portfolio.

Our program helps you develop esthetic knowledge, perceptual awareness and creative problem solving skills. 我们的目标是,当你们毕业的时候, you will be a practicing artist or designer who thinks critically and historically, communicates effectively and acts responsibly in our global society.


With a BFA with a Concentration in 平面设计, you will develop your artistic talent to build a rewarding career in print, 数字或两者的混合. Our program gives you many opportunities to gain hands-on experience doing real-world projects in business and nonprofit settings through Pacific's connections in northern California.


在春天, graphic design and studio art students presented “Visual Voices,” the first in-person show after the COVID-19 shift to virtual exhibitions. Seniors and juniors from both concentrations showcased their multimedia projects at Pacific's Reynolds Gallery. 

Graphic design projects with global impact

每年在太平洋, an international 市场营销 class and a graphic design class team up to do a service-learning project for a global social entrepreneur. The project gives students the opportunity to gain real-world experience while simultaneously making a difference in disadvantaged communities around the world.


解决沟通问题, including the skills of problem identification, 研究和信息收集, 分析, 生成替代解决方案, 原型和用户测试, 以及结果的评估.

Describe and respond to the audiences and contexts, which 沟通 solutions must address, including recognition of the physical, 认知, 文化, and social human factors that shape design decisions.

Create and develop visual form in response to 沟通 problems, including an understanding of principles of visual organization/ composition, 信息层次结构, 色彩理论及其应用, 符号表示, 排版, 画, 美学, and the construction of meaningful messages in two and three dimensions.

独立 select and use appropriate art and design-related tools and technology to create, 繁殖, and distribute coherent and meaningful visual messages. Relevant tools and technologies include, 但不限于, 画, 插图, 摄影, 胶印, time-based and interactive media (film, video, 计算机多媒体).

独立, interactively as well as collaboratively engage in art/design professional practices to effectively organize and manage art/design projects in studio, entrepreneurial and corporate settings.

Form and defend value judgements about art and design including communicating key concepts, visual approaches and requirements to professionals and laypersons related to projects and practice.

应用历史, 当前的问题, 流程, and directions in the art and graphic design field to projects.

应用 ethical reasoning to create sustainable, and socially and 环境ally responsible art and design solutions.


Graphic design major 艾米莉·詹金斯 spent part of her summer interning for a firm in Ireland. She describes her project and explains how Pacific helped her with this opportunity.


Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Concentration in 平面设计


The minor in graphic design gives you a solid foundation in the understanding and practice of the graphic design discipline. 除了, the minor enables you to enhance your personal creative vision and develop a solid portfolio of work. The graphic design minor pairs well with 媒体X, 市场营销, 沟通, 计算机工程专业.

  • 3 ARTS 7二维设计 & Color
  • sp3arts 75平面设计
  • fa3art77平面设计II
  • FA 3 ARTS 79排版
  • SP 3 ARTS 91 Computer Graphics I: Print-Based Media


  • FA 3 ARTS 95 Computer Graphics II: Time-Based Media
  • sp4艺术101平面设计的历史


  • SP 3 ARTS 103 平面设计 Production


  • 3 ARTS 45数码摄影
  • 3 ARTS 141照片II
  • sp3arts 162平面设计III
  • FA 3 ARTS 173 平面设计 Seminar (with faculty permission)
  • sp3art161网页设计

A minimum of 12 units from the 小 course of study must be completed at Pacific.


Department of Art, Media, Performance and Design
